Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hey Jammers!!!

I haven't been getting on animal jam very
much and here's the reason why.
If you play Minecraft you will
understand how adicting it is, lol.
So, recently has been 
that an update (6.1) is coming,
well, i downloaded it (hehehe, its not
out yet. and no i didn't hack)
and there are horses and carpets and 
supplies for horses ect.
i will show you.

So here i am on my horse.

Here are my donkeys and horses.

They came out with a rope called a lead
and you can attack it to all animals.

When your on your horse and you press "e"
heres what it comes up with. You can take
the armour off and on your horse.

Here is a horse with a lead and if you right click
a fence it does that and the horse is there until
 you right click the fence.

And that's why im not on aj that often


New poster

As you all know and can tell, im a very new
Blogger. But if you will give me a chance and 
advertise somewhere for me i won't give
up, and maybe someday i will be one of those
people with a popular blog, and if i become to
that, i will post everyone's name who helped. 
If you have helped just leave a comment 
letting me know.
Thank you for your time


Freedom party

Hey jammers! Today or at least on this post
i going to tell ya about the 
Freedom Party :)

So here are some Freedom stuff.... They tried to
make it rare by putting "Freedom" in front
of it all XD

And here's more...

Here i am waiting for the Fireworks to 
start with my friend Vampiro09

Here are a few fireworks!!! :D

Talk again later Jammers :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Jammer of the week

Here's the jammer of the week!!!!!
MISTYQ, she is also
my beautiful girlfriend,
here she is!!!!!!
Here are a couple of
her cute little